Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cooking With Solar Ovens

A solar oven is a great addition to your kitchen tools. Not only is it sustainable, a sustainable way to cook without adding to the carbon foot print, it's free energy and won't heat up your home and kitchen. My friend Susan and her family have two of them and love them. Susan lives in the very North West portion of Montana, so they actually work in almost all temperature ranges, so you don't have to live in Arizona or the Sahara Desert to use one.

Emergency Essentials and other survival and preparedness stores and online retailers sell them. You can check out Emergency Essentials Solar Oven at: 

And here is a You Tube video on cooking with a solar oven. You can go to You Tube and find many more videos on cooking with a solar oven and even how to make your own solar ovens. 

 Another You Tube video showing one mans homemade solar oven. The videos are in more than one segment. The other subsequent videos with show on the same page on You Tube as this one. If you are interested in a solar oven, but do not have the funds to buy a commercially made one, then this may definitely be the option for you. They are well made videos and worth the time to watch the series if you intend to make your own solar oven.

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